About museum

Diocesan Museum was founded on June 1, 1993 as the first of its kind in the Czech Republic. Until 1999, the museum was housed in the premises of the Augustinian monastery in Old Brno. After that their activity has discontinued until 2006, when gained newly renovated rooms in the house at Petrov 1. In 2007, there was then also opened a permanent exhibition Vita Christi - Life of Christ, designed by former museum director dr. Karel Rechlík.

Opening hours and admission

Opening hours

May – September, December:

Monday – Saturday: 10 am. - 5 pm.


October – November, January – April: 

Monday – Friday: 10 am. - 5 pm.



Exposition Vita Christi

Full                60,-

Reduced      40,-

Madona z Veveří

Zahrady pod Petrovem


Otevírací doba:

Květen – září, prosinec:
Pondělí – sobota: 10 - 17 hod.

Říjen  listopad, leden – duben:
Pondělí – pátek: 10 - 17 hod.

Plné          60,-
Snížené    40,-

Diecézní muzeum
Petrov 1
602 00 Brno

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Petrov 1, 602 00 Brno • muzeum@biskupstvi.czhttps://www.dieceznimuzeum.cz • tel. +420 533 033 278 • GPS